Olivier K. OBROU
Docteur d’État es-Science de Physique, Octobre 2008
Docteur 3ieme cycle, Décembre 1997
I’m a senior research scientist and Professor at the University FHB of Cocody I joined as an Assistant professor in January 1998. I’m currently an ICTP regular associate 2010-2015.
My major research works are my contribution to the improvement of the IRI model
results in the African equatorial latitude. Using the ionosonde data from the sounding station of Ouagadougou, Korhogo and Ilorin, we have introduce a new table of profiles parameters B0 and B1. Currently I’m strongly involved in the development of space science infrastructure in Africa for GNSS applications.
I have been for three times a visiting scientist of NASA/GSFC, award the Fulbright
Research Scholar Fellowship in 2003, The NSF Grant 2001, In 1998, I was given a Special Service Agreement with ICTP on the modeling of the equatorial ionosphere. I have also awarded the URSI Young Scientist Award in 1996, 1999 and 2002.